Sunday School Conference

Theme: “Come and Dine” John 21:12 
“Come and dine”! What a loving, gentle invitation from our Master Himself. Though we are undeserved, yet come we must, for Thou art an understanding and compassionate Lord, who knows all our weariness and our need for refreshment both in body and in spirit.  
A conference aimed to build and equip our children for an effective Christian and social life together with our Lord Jesus will be organized under the eminent leadership of V. Rev. K. O. Philipose.  Programs include blessed singing sessions, talks and discussions on challenging contemporary topics, debate, personality development, quiz, surprise prizes and awards for talents, skits, group activities etc. While inviting the students to attend this conference, we request all the parents to pray for the success of it and to encourage your children to actively participate in this Conference.
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