Letter from an Ex member of Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish

Dr. Thomas

I am an ex member of Kuwait Marthoma in the good old days before the invasion, being born and brought up in Kuwait received my first communion and Iam proud to be a Marthomite from Kuwait Marthoma Church ,I am what I am today in my life because of the prayers and good values instilled in me at Sunday school by my teachers and Achens, I am deeply pained to see the schism in the Church I always felt that we were immune to this kind of politics like in the Orthodox and Jacobite churches for power , church possesions and money because our Church was rooted in the Word of God .

Why did they teach us that the Marthoma Church is based on democratic principles which was one of the corner stones of our reformed church,the Marthoma Church is not the personal fiefdom of the Metropolitan or any other Bishop they are appointed by God as a Custodian of the church to build not to destroy to branch out not to demolish, to multiply and not to divide, why do they want divide something that for 47 years was working well.Very simple "if it is not broken dont fix it".

My appeal to our Church fathers listen to the vast majority of the parishnors, ex parishoners and marthomites around the world without Marthomites there is no Marthoma church ,without a flock there is no shepherd ,come down that high horse and admit that the desicion to divide the parish was the wrong one and maintain staus quo, we are after all human and human beings can make mistakes but it takes a Man to admit them and take proper recourse .

I pray for the Holy Synod that meets regarding the future of the Kuwait Marthoma Church,the parish that for many marthomites the world over has been a beacon of light, what will happen here will decide the future of our Church,let us hold firm the teachings of our Holy Fathers after the reformation and not lose sight of our values,Amen

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