
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 20:14:48 +0530
Subject: Re: [marthomachurch_YahooGroups]

Dear Sajan,

Before I proceed, allow me to appreciate you for the active participation in the discussion of Kuwait church dissolution and also other Mar Thoma church issues. The sermons in the form of letters should be an eye opener for many as the only reason for sparing so much time and initiative has to be necessarily your love for our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
I have been reserving my views on the Kuwait Church for more than one reason. However, I go through every mail concerning the same that is posted in this site and my heart goes out to those who feel so strongly about the church they were attending to till recently and I do understand their heartbroken approach. May the good Lord Himself find a solution that will bring joy and peace for which God descended to the earth and became man, I earnestly pray.
What we see all around us - like in Jesus' time - is sheer hypocrisy except for a small minority as we all know. We will not know what is going on behind the masks unless we are able to see through the eyes of Jesus. When the Apostle Thomas cried "My Lord and my God" the cry had come from a mere human heart out of anguish and pain for doubting his beloved who had willingly spared His life for him. This realisation made Thomas, the disciple, to see the extra-ordinary situation that his Lord spoke about. Though Thomas was also taught to address the Heavenly Father as 'our Father' at that specific point he could see only his own need! Then, how many hearts are in place when the Lord's prayer is chanted as a routine, I wonder!
May the mercy and patience of the Lord God prevail for all of us!

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