Elymas, the Pervert of truth

In Acts Chap 13, we see that Sergius Paulo’s, the governor of an island, was keen to   hear the word of God from Saul and Bernabas. But there was a   false prophet, named, Bas Jesus with an alias name, Elymas, who worked for the governor and was trying to pervert the truth and prevent the governor from having faith in God. 

In Acts Chap 16 we see a similar situation. There we see the  owners of a slave girl turns against Apostle Paul and Silas when they  realized that  they had lost all chances of making money by using  the evil spirited slave girl coz St. Paul ordered the evil spirit to get out of the girl. Angered at this, they instigated the crowd to attack Paul and Silas by falsifying the truth coz truth always stand in way of those who practice evils to achieve personal ambitions.

On 8th of August, Marthoma Church held its Mandalam which was as usual arm-twisted to achieve only those agenda which the church supremo wanted to accomplish.  His usual tactic to get thru his agenda is  terrorizing and silencing    any voice of dissent by his own  iron-fist methods and by use of some ‘yes-men’ he always  manage to fill in all decision making forums. For the last 8 months, our leadership has been trying hard by spreading all false news to conceal the truths relating to the   mischievous and perfidious act of abolishing Kuwait Marthoma Church. Anticipating  that many in mandalam who knew the truth may raise the  question of Kuwait Issue,  he specially airlifted an ‘Elymas’ who is serving as  a priest in a Kuwait Marthoma  Church named after Apostle Thomas who had  sacrificed his life to give  the good news of Lord to the people of India.  Elymas was a false prophet and he knew very well that knowing of truth by his boss will endanger his own position yielding enormous monetary gain and clout which he was managing to get by his acts of deception and witchcraft. 

 Similarly our church supreme  and bishop Mar Pualos who both already proved  their mastery of cunningness  and deceptions, foresaw the situation of exposing themselves  in Mandalam. As expected when many in Mandalam raised the question of Kuwait Issue, this ‘Elymas’ came forward to the stage to defend his masters, stood up and said the   lie over the microphone that he came from Kuwait and there is no issue at all in Kuwait marthoma church and added that the abolition of Kuwait marthoma church was a very right step! A white lie   even devil will feel shy to tell! He proclaimed again the ‘’ Shameless can’t be shamed more’’ Appalling level of degeneration! Wish at least he should have respected the colour of the Vella  Kuppayam he wears, symbolizing holiness and truth, even if it is only a phony veil for him.   In John Chap 8: 39to 44 Jesus uses blunt speaking at the Jewish leaders who were claiming they were descendants of Abraham and sons of God. In verse 44 Jesus says, “Your father is the devil, and you do exactly what he wants. He has always been a murderer and a liar… he is also the father of all lies.’’  Jesus said in verse 32 ‘’ Truth will set you free’’ Or He was telling that such perverts of truth are but slaves.   The church bishops and this priest who are ordained to serve the Lord of Truth and Justice, might have again succeeded in silencing and fooling a section of Mandalom by depraving the truth to escape from the quagmire they have orchestrated   but it is idiotic to think that they could fool thousands of Marthomites and other Keralite Christians residing in Kuwait who know the truth very well as clear as daylight.  Most important, they can’t fool one person, the Lord, whom they feign to represent but don’t believe in. If they believe in Him, they would not have dared to act in this manner.
In Acts chap 13:10 looking straight at Elymas (Bar-Jesus), Apostle Paul make a blunt speak “you son of the devil, you are a liar, a criminal and an enemy of everything that is right. When will you stop speaking against the true ways of the Lord?’’ Unfortunately there is no person like apostle Paul  in  Marthoma Sabha today to stand up and ask this question to many ‘Elymases’  of church today engaged in  perverting the truths.

In Mathew Chap 27:20 we see the Chief priests and the leaders convincing the crowds to ask for freeing Barbbas, a criminal, and to crucify Jesus. These days the mantle of subverting and perverting truth seems to have passed on to a section of current Marthoma Church leadership. Similar to above situations, we see an young priest willingly and shamelessly becoming conduit in the hands of the ‘chief priest’ and other accomplices bent upon perverting and crucifying the truth to achieve their personal agenda. This priest should remember one thing, you might get into the good books of Methrans and to have some ‘quid-pro quo’ for your role but such wicked ways may disqualify you from getting an entry into another book which is mentioned in Revelations and in a city called New Jerusalem which has 12 gates to which entry is restricted to only those who … wash their robes,……and will have no access to thosewho …practices falsehood.

  A church which is supposed to be  body of  Jesus  is being infested, hijacked and manned  by  ‘Bar- Jesuses’ today.
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